Largo - Finance

LARGO Frederic GandonDear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Investor,

We welcome you to our dedicated investor site. We are very pleased to present our Company following our IPO in April 2021.

Largo is a specialist in smartphone refurbishment. For a few years, this market has undergone a major shift due to the development of players dedicated to the marketing of second-hand goods. Their mission: to rebuild digital products in order to give them a new life. This trend meets the expectations of consumers who now want to minimize their environmental footprint while saving money.

Founded in 2016, Largo is part of these transformations and new eco-responsible consumption habits. Since its creation, Largo has reconditioned more than 140,000 smartphones via an industrial process that is fully integrated and 100% Made in France. A pioneer in terms of transparency, Largo differentiates itself through a diversified sourcing policy, a control of the entire value chain and an omnichannel distribution.

With solid assets, this IPO will allow the Company to consolidate its positions with its distributors and to benefit from growth levers enabling it to become a key French player with telecom operators, to develop its e-commerce sales and to deploy a B2B offer to support companies' CSR policies.

As you can see, Largo is entering an important phase in its history and the IPO represents a tremendous opportunity for the Company's development.

On behalf of the entire Largo team, we thank you for your interest.

Christophe Brunot and Frédéric Gandon, Co-Founder of Largo

Largo - The truly eco-responsible Smartphone is the one that isn’t made!

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Thomas Grojean / Alban Dufumier

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Nicolas Mérigeau

+33 (0)1 44 71 94 94

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